Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Did u Know?

Fantastic Facts that just might blow
your mind.....MORE COMING SOON!

The U.S is one of only 4 countries that doesn't offer paid leave to new mothers -- the others are Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, and Lesotho.
(here in CA we do but out of all 50 states there are only 3 states that have paid leave!)

check this out to see a chart of all countries leaves:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_leave

Bulgaria seems to have the best: Provides mothers with 135 days 100% paid maternity leave & 2 years paid parental leave, and 1 additional year of unpaid parental leave. The employer is obliged to restore the mother to the same position upon return to work. In addition, pregnant women and single mothers cannot be fired!
Sweden & Canada also have some really good coverages

DID U KNOW... Every country in the world with maternal and infant mortality rates  lower than the U.S. has universal health care AND midwives attending the majority of births.  And where do we (the USA) rank you ask?? According to the Mother's Index 2010: The United States is at the bottom of the developed world, primarily because its rate of maternal mortality – 1 in 4,800. Compare that with Bosnia, Herzegovina, Greece and Italy: the risk of maternal death is less than 1 in 25,000 and in Ireland it is less than 1 in 47,600. And these countries aren't even in the top 10 rankings! Go HERE to see full report & click on "Executive Summary "

Paid family leave has been shown to reduce infant mortality by as much as 20% (and the U.S. ranks a low 29th of all 37 modern countries in infant mortality).

DID U KNOW...American Academy of Pediatrics endorses breastfeeding for more than a year: "It is recommended that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired." ref#104

Selma Hayek breastfed another woman's child.
Yes folks I know, it sounds unbeliavable that they would put such an incredible story promoting not just breastfeeding but even cross breatfeeding! Way to go Nightline & network TV!

Salma Hayek, UNICEF spokesperson, was in Sierra Leone to promote a tetanus vaccine program in a country where one in five children die before the age of five. 21% of those deaths are due to tetanus. Another reason for the high mortality rate is lack of breastfeeding.

In one scene, Salma nurses a little baby (her own is now over a year). She then tells the story of her great grandmother in Mexico nursing the baby of a stranger who didn't have enough milk. thx breastfeeding.blog.motherwear.com


They also recommend against TV viewing for children under the age of 2.
Like my ECE Art teacher says "Experience is the best teacher." There is no experience children get while watching TV. Think about this...which would you prefer....your friend came back from Paris & told you all about it or you were handed a passport & ticket to Paris?

86% of the brain growth that occurs after birth transpires within the first five years of life?

Yes amazing! Read on..."[A] newborn's brain is only about one-quarter the size of an adult's. It grows to about 80 percent of adult size by three years of age and 90 percent by age five. This growth is largely due to changes in individual neurons, which are structured much like trees. Thus, each brain cell begins as a tiny sapling and only gradually sprouts its hundreds of long, branching dendrites. Brain growth (measured as either weight or volume) is largely due to the growth of these dendrites, which serve as the receiving point for synaptic input from other neurons." -thx    Essential Questions & ZerotoThree

The rate of cesarean births in the US has risen to 31% in the last 10 years.
That's a more than a 50% jump! The cesarean rate in the United States in 1970 was only 6%. This meant that about 94% of women were giving birth vaginally in this country. Think the increase might have anything to do with the increase in malpractice lawsuits
against Drs? And the convenience for Drs who can just schedule you in to fit their schedules?!

Hospital-based midwives have a documented 10% cesarean rate in comparison. Unnecessary cesarean sections increase health care costs and contribute toward increased maternal and infant morbidity and mortality.

Attachment Parenting can reduce the risk of SIDS.

The World Health Organization has recognized the importance of midwives, noting that women who give birth with a midwife often have shorter labor times and usually don't need as much medication.

Having a Midwife:
-Reduces the Risk of Miscarriage or Stillbirth Prior to 24 Weeks

-Reduces the Use of an Epidural (Regional Anesthesia)
-Reduces Incidence of Episiotomies When Midwives Attend the Labor
-Reduces Chances of Forceps or Vacuum Extractors When Midwife is Present
-Increases the Chances of Vaginal Birth and Lower the Cesarean Rate
-Breastfeeding is More Likely to be Initiated

Inducing labor (with pictocin) can set off a domino effect & lead to "emergen
cy c-section".
Your body releases natural labor inducer (oxytocin) that starts labor when your body is ready. Oxytocin also has natural pain relievers (that are secreted in bursts), so if you get induced into labor your body does not release those. Pitocin is released in a steady flow. This leads to:

-more painful contractions
-continuous electronic fetal monitoring
-confined to bed (IV, electric fetal monitor)
-more likely to need pain medication (such as an epidural)
-increased likelihood of c-section (complications with pictocin & epidural use, false fetal stress due to electronic fetal monitoring)

DID U KNOW...Formula commercials have a disclaimer, if you look closely you will see the caption "Breastfeeding is recommended", don't believe me just see the Similac website here!

There are around 400 nutrients in breast milk that are not present in formula.
And they still haven't found them all yet!!

Wearing your baby in a sling (or pack) makes them smarter.
They also cry less, grow & talk better! Also great for breastfeeding & putting baby to sleep. Plus it makes life easier for you & daddy as you can wear your baby & get things done! (try wearing your baby while going out to eat, doing chores, shopping etc) A centuries old tradition makes a comeback yay! Get a sling HERE @ www.CarryMeAway.com
Breastfeeding mamas lose weight faster. click here to see my post on more benefits of breastfeeding!

It is important bonding time in the first hour after birth.
"The first few hours after birth are called the "maternal sensitive period." The mother becomes deeply involved, on an emotional level, with her newborn. The first hour after birth is also a time of quiet alertness for the newborn. Later the baby goes into a deep resting stage for several hours, during which it is difficult to rouse him. The mother who holds and communicates with her baby immediately receives a sense of fulfillment and gratification."-from Gentle Birth Choices
This works especially well if you & your baby are drug free! All I could do after I gave birth, to my beautiful baby girl, was smile & hold her, she looked right at me. Complete JOY! Newborn baby checks (like height, weight, bathing, vitamin K & eye ointment) can wait till after that first hour (as long as your baby is well). It was just me, daddy & my mom there the first hour to welcome her to the world. It was the best!! Don't forget to start breast feeding then too!

Epidurals have been shown to:
-Slow labor
-Lead to increased use of Pitocin (to induce labor)
-Lead to increased use of foreceps or vacuum
-Increase the likelihood of cesareans, especially in first-time mothers
-Increase the mothers temperature, resulting in her & the baby receiving antibiotics & invasive tests
-Cause a host of complications including long-term chronic problems & even maternal death

Epidurals do cross through the placenta & cause these effects in newborns:
-Reduced muscle tone
-Decreased sucking
-Lowered neurobehavioral scores
-Increased incidence of jaundice

(info from Gentle Birth Choices also see The Business of Being Born)

The hospital is NOT necessarily the safest place to have a baby.
"The United States has consistently high maternal & perinatal mortality and morbidity rates compared to other industrialized countries." In 2003 the US ranked 32nd. "This means that there are 31 countries where it is safer for women to give birth than in the United States."
Who was top ranked? "Those where midwifery is an integral part of obstetric care & where births more commonly take place outside large hospitals." Singapore, Sweden & Japan where the top 3 for 2003.
-quotes from from Gentle Birth Choices

The benefits of having a doula are:
50% reduction in cesarean rate
60% reduction in epidural requests
40% in use of pitocin
25% shorter labor
30% in use of analgesia
40% reduction in forceps use

-from from Gentle Birth Choices

Electric Fetal Monitors (the thing they strap around your belly while in labor) "had a 74 percent false positive rate. That means that 74 out of 100 times the monitor tracings indicated distress when there was none." Just another excuse for a Dr. to perform an "emergency" c-section! No thank you! Those things only tie you down to the bed on your back (the worst position for labor). Trust your body, it knows what to do.
-quotes from from Gentle Birth Choices

DID U KNOW...There really is a mind-body connection. (positive thoughts=positive outcome)
Author of Childbirth Without Fear, Grantly Dick-Read, noted "that when a woman experiences fear (an emotion), her body tightens (a physical response), which causes pain. When she experiences the pain the level of fear increases, causing more tension & thus more pain. A cycle of fear, tension, and pain becomes established and often leads to a prolonged birth process. "
-quotes from from Gentle Birth Choices
also see The Secret

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