Wednesday, July 16, 2008


REMEMBER: I believe in a thing called Mama's Intuition, the innate ability in each Mama to know, deep in her heart & soul, what is right for her child. Listen for that feeling & get in touch with it! Yes you might have to dig a lil but you've got it. And while I'm no Dr. & I am an advocate of all ROOTS MAMAS thangs I encourage each Mama to find her own way that works & feels best for her. HARMONY is the key. Do what works best for you & yours. There are many options. There is no "one right way" to give birth or raise your child, but I hope my blog provokes you to really think & make fully informed decisions! EDUCATE YO-SELF!!
Oh yeah & I'm hailing from the beeeautyful Bay Area so some info applies to just CA/Bay. Happy blogging, toodles...

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