Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What is Attachment Parenting???

From AskDrSears.com:

Attachment parenting is a style of caring for your infant that brings out the best in the baby and the best in the parents.

1. Birth bonding
The way baby and parents get started with one another helps the early attachment unfold. The days and weeks after birth are a sensitive period in which mothers and babies are uniquely primed to want to be close to one another. A close attachment after birth and beyond allows the natural, biological attachment-promoting behaviors of the infant and the intuitive, biological, caregiving qualities of the mother to come together. Both members of this biological pair get off to the right start at a time when the infant is most needy and the mother is most ready to nurture.

"What if something happens to prevent our immediate bonding?"

Sometimes medical complications keep you and your baby apart for a while, but then catch-up bonding is what happens, starting as soon as possible. When the concept of bonding was first delivered onto the parenting scene twenty years ago, some people got it out of balance. The concept of human bonding being an absolute "critical period" or a "now-or-never" relationship was never intended. Birth bonding is not like instant glue that cements the mother-child relationship together forever. Bonding is a series of steps in your lifelong growing together with your child. Immediate bonding simply gives the parent- infant relationship a headstart.

2. Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is an exercise in babyreading. Breastfeeding helps you read your baby's cues, her body language, which is the first step in getting to know your baby. Breastfeeding gives baby and mother a smart start in life. Breastmilk contains unique brain-building nutrients that cannot be manufactured or bought. Breastfeeding promotes the right chemistry between mother and baby by stimulating your body to produce prolactin and oxytocin, hormones that give your mothering a boost.

3. Babywearing
A baby learns a lot in the arms of a busy caregiver. Carried babies fuss less and spend more time in the state of quiet alertness, the behavior state in which babies learn most about their environment. Babywearing improves the sensitivity of the parents. Because your baby is so close to you, you get to know baby better. Closeness promotes familiarity.

4. Bedding close to baby
Wherever all family members get the best night's sleep is the right arrangement for your individual family. Co-sleeping adds a nighttime touch that helps busy daytime parents reconnect with their infant at night. Since nighttime is scary time for little people, sleeping within close touching and nursing distance minimizes nighttime separation anxiety and helps baby learn that sleep is a pleasant state to enter and a fearless state to remain in.

5. Belief in the language value of your baby's cry
A baby's cry is a signal designed for the survival of the baby and the development of the parents. Responding sensitively to your baby's cries builds trust. Babies trust that their caregivers will be responsive to their needs. Parents gradually learn to trust in their ability to appropriately meet their baby's needs. This raises the parent-child communication level up a notch. Tiny babies cry to communicate, not to manipulate. (anyone ever told you: "Just let your baby Cry it Out", don't do it!)

6. Beware of baby trainers

Attachment parenting teaches you how to be discerning of advice, especially those rigid and extreme parenting styles that teach you to watch a clock or a schedule instead of your baby; you know, the cry-it-out crowd. This "convenience" parenting is a short-term gain, but a long-term loss, and is not a wise investment. These more restrained styles of parenting create a distance between you and your baby and keep you from becoming an expert in your child.

7. Balance
In your zeal to give so much to your baby, it's easy to neglect the needs of yourself and your marriage. As you will learn the key to putting balance in your parenting is being appropriately responsive to your baby – knowing when to say "yes" and when to say "no," and having the wisdom to say "yes" to yourself when you need help."

get even more info here!
& here's the 7 benefits of Attachment Parenting

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


REMEMBER: I believe in a thing called Mama's Intuition, the innate ability in each Mama to know, deep in her heart & soul, what is right for her child. Listen for that feeling & get in touch with it! Yes you might have to dig a lil but you've got it. And while I'm no Dr. & I am an advocate of all ROOTS MAMAS thangs I encourage each Mama to find her own way that works & feels best for her. HARMONY is the key. Do what works best for you & yours. There are many options. There is no "one right way" to give birth or raise your child, but I hope my blog provokes you to really think & make fully informed decisions! EDUCATE YO-SELF!!
Oh yeah & I'm hailing from the beeeautyful Bay Area so some info applies to just CA/Bay. Happy blogging, toodles...

Breastfeeding Made Easy

In this post: resources, disadvantages of formula & breastfeeding help!

Cal. Labor Code § 1030 et seq. (2001) provides that employers need to allow a break and provide a room for a mother who desires to express milk in private.
Go HERE to see all breastfeeding laws for all 50 states.

The 10 Easy Reasons to Breastfeed (above is the international breastfeeding symbol!)

Available fresh instantly for hungry baby. (no searching for formula & bottle when you have a crying baby)

It's Free!! (cheaper than formula by a long shot)

Effortless pregnancy weight loss. (i could feel my uterus contracting as i was breastfeeding!)

Reduced rates of breast cancer and ovarian cancer for mother.

Decreased risk of SIDS & diseases than formula-fed babies.

Baby's whole body and brain benefit immensely. (breastfeeding protects your baby from illnesses with immunizing antibodies. And scientific studies have shown that the longer babies breastfeed, the greater the intellectual advantage.)

Releases "mothering hormone", prolactin & re
leases relaxing hormone to baby & mama.

Breastfed babies are leaner.

Easier digestion & less costipation for baby than formula.

Treasure of a lifetime bond with your child.

And these are just a few of the benefits!!

Having problems with breastfeeding?? 
DID YOU KNOW...if there is pain with breastfeeding something is wrong. Yes this happened to me, the first 2 weeks after my dtr was born, I had nipple pain & they became dry & cracked. Little did I know this is NOT normal. It is a sign something is wrong, so stop & call your lactation consultant right away. 9 times out of 10 it's a latching or positioning problem, that can be easily fixed, so don't wait!! This is one of the most common reasons why mamas stop Bfing & we don't want that! I didn't know until recently that there shouldn't be any pain w/ BFing. I just stuck it out & eventually me & my baby got it right. Don't make my mistake :) HERE's a youtube on how to get the proper latch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zln0LTkejIs
Always consult an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Remember you can't always trust the "white coat". While they ARE Drs, a lot of them aren't trained in BFing. IBCLC's know best. Trust your gut when a doctor gives you breastfeeding or parenting advice (most weren't trained in that either lol). Ask yourself: "Does this feel right for me?" If not get a 2nd opinion!

Through a new program at WIC (Women, Infants & Children) you now have access to Breastfeeding Peer Counselors & IBCLC's for FREE!!!! I am one (peer counselor) & we can help you with all kinds of support/resources & free pumps! Come see us!!!!

KellyMom.com "Breastfeeding and Parenting. Evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting issues." She's an IBCLC & can answer a lot of questions!

Blacktating.com "Breastfeeding News & Views from a Mom of Color"  I LOOOOVE her blog!!!

BestforBabes.org "Beating the Booby Traps that prevent Moms from achieving their personal breastfeeding goals"
Best for Babes

They are my go to folks for everything baby & breastfeeding & attachment parenting!! THESE Drs know what they're talkin' bout! This husband & wife team wrote The Baby Book & most of the info in the book is on their website for FREE!!! That book got me through the first 2 years of my dtrs life & I couldn't have done it without them :) I especially like them because they have 8 kids of their own (experience is the best teacher). All too often I have had doctors give me advice on something they know little about (ie birthing, but you're not a mother).  
Also join Roots Mamas on Facebook, as I said I'm a WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor & there I post helpful tips & info on common BFing problems (& solutions *wink*) & converse with other Roots Mamas, join us!! 
Breastfeeding information & support lalecheleague.org  go on their site to find a local suppot group.

Ever gone to ur doctor & got some info about breastfeeding that just didn't seem right? Thanks to the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, you have at your fingertips evidence-based protocols on many breastfeeding topics you can show your doctor HERE. (Including: Mastitis, Supplementation in the hospital, Breastfeeding and co-sleeping, Anti-depressants & breastfeeding & more!) thx Motherwear.com  for this awesome resource!!

What about taking medications & breastfeeding? You can still breastfeed while sick & taking most meds. Dr Hale (a pharmacologist who is considered the foremost leading expert in the field of perinatal pharmacology and the use of medications) has written this awesome resource book, Medications & Mother's Milk, that lists every medication & it's level of safety while breastfeeding. Can't buy the book?? Call their help line & they can answer your questions Monday-Friday 8am-5pm central time @ (806)-352-2519. Call them!! 

For MORE info see my post on support/resources/free stuff HERE & Breasfeeding Celebs & Videos/Pix HERE
DID YOU KNOW...babies can crawl to the breast after birth!! Check out this AMAZING videohttp://www.drmomma.org/2010/04/newborn-breast-crawl.html

Black mamas do breastfeed!! thx Blacktating.com for this awesome collage of photos taken by the Indiana Black Breastfeeding Coalition as part of the Landscape of Breastfeeding Support project. These photos are completely public and can be used by anyone! whatcha think?

Thank you to Hayley Nichols article (below)!!!!!

The Risks and Disadvantages of Formula Feeding Hayley Nichols

Although breastfeeding is now widely acknowledged to be the ideal for babies, and the World Health recommendation is for a minimum of 6 months exclusive breastfeeding, the choice of how to feed a baby is often still framed as one between two equally valid alternatives.
In fact, breastmilk is not "ideal" but the normal, natural food for babies, adapted over millions of years to meet their unique nutritional and immunological needs. Formula, in comparison, has only been around for about 150 years, and its long-term results are still being studied.

Nutrients in Formula Versus Nutrients in Breastmilk

All the nutrients in breastmilk are in perfect balance and the infant can also regulate its own intake, and therefore its weight gain, in a way that is impossible with formula-feeding, according to Successful Breastfeeding [Royal College of Midwives, 2002]. Deviating from this "gold standard" carries risks to the health of both mother and child.

Risks of Formula Feeding For Infants and Children:

The effects of formula feeding on infants and children continue to be studied, and several significant risks have been identified. There is an increased risk of:
  • Mortality – this applies in Western countries as well as developing countries. For example, according to Lucas and Cole (1990), if all the preterm babies in British neonatal units were fed breast milk rather than formula, 100 deaths a year from necrotising enterocolotis would be prevented.
  • Asthma and allergy
  • Acute respiratory disease
  • Childhood cancers
  • Nutrient deficiencies: e.g., fatty acids, essential for brain development, and amino acids, essential for central nervous system development, as well as calcium and iron, are not in the correct proportions and/or as easily absorbed from formula as breastmilk.
  • Infection from contaminated formula
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic diseases
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Gastrointestinal infections
  • Otitis media – inflammation of the middle ear
  • Urinary infections
  • Sudden infant death syndrome
  • Necrotising enterocolotis – an infection or inflammation that causes destruction of the bowel or part of the bowel.
as well as
  • Reduced cognitive development
Disadvantages of Formula Feeding For the Mother:

If a mother feeds her baby formula rather than breastfeeding, this has an effect on her health too. There is an increased risk of:

  • Breast cancer – the risk of breast cancer is decreased by 4 % for each year of breastfeeding, according to D Hollander in Breast cancer Risk is Reduced By 4 % for Each Year of Breastfeeding [International Family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 28, 2002].
  • Being overweight
  • Ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • Reduced natural child spacing, putting more pressure on the woman’s body and causing general stress, particularly in developing countries where resources are scarce
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Diabetes

Normalisation of Formula Feeding

It is only in a small minority of cases that formula is medically necessary, according to the Royal College of Midwives, and a woman should be encouraged and supported to breastfeed for as long as she wishes. It is extremely rare for a woman to be physically unable to breastfeed, and most problems in breastfeeding are caused by a lack of support and accurate information.

However, formula feeding has become normalised through years of inaccurate information about breastfeeding, because of the vested economic interests of formula companies, and due to the sexualisation of breasts in our culture [Gabrielle Palmer, The Politics of Breastfeeding,New York University Press, 1993]. Fears about breastfeeding in public can be a significant deterrent to many women, but this can be overcome.

Organisations such as La Leche League offer localised support for breastfeeding mothers, and there are also helplines and groups where mothers can meet other breastfeeding mothers.

World Health Organisation Recommendations for Infant Feeding

WHO recommendations are for an infant to be given only breastmilk for 6 months, and for breastfeeding to continue for two years of age or beyond. If a baby is not breastfed, formula is required for the first year of life. Many mothers are not fully aware of the risks of formula feeding and so are making a choice without the necessary information.

Infant Feeding Action Coalition Canada Breastfeeding Information Resource Centre. Risks of Formula Feeding Brochure
A. Lucas and T.J. Cole (1990). Breastmilk and Necrotising Enterocolotis. Lancet 336: 1519-1523.
Copyright Hayley Nichols.

Read more at Suite101: The Risks and Disadvantages of Formula Feeding: Facts About Breastmilk Substitutes Used in Bottle-Feeding Infants http://www.suite101.com/content/the-risks-and-disadvantages-of-formula-feeding-a85064#ixzz17jL3NOQs

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Did u Know?

Fantastic Facts that just might blow
your mind.....MORE COMING SOON!

The U.S is one of only 4 countries that doesn't offer paid leave to new mothers -- the others are Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, and Lesotho.
(here in CA we do but out of all 50 states there are only 3 states that have paid leave!)

check this out to see a chart of all countries leaves:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_leave

Bulgaria seems to have the best: Provides mothers with 135 days 100% paid maternity leave & 2 years paid parental leave, and 1 additional year of unpaid parental leave. The employer is obliged to restore the mother to the same position upon return to work. In addition, pregnant women and single mothers cannot be fired!
Sweden & Canada also have some really good coverages

DID U KNOW... Every country in the world with maternal and infant mortality rates  lower than the U.S. has universal health care AND midwives attending the majority of births.  And where do we (the USA) rank you ask?? According to the Mother's Index 2010: The United States is at the bottom of the developed world, primarily because its rate of maternal mortality – 1 in 4,800. Compare that with Bosnia, Herzegovina, Greece and Italy: the risk of maternal death is less than 1 in 25,000 and in Ireland it is less than 1 in 47,600. And these countries aren't even in the top 10 rankings! Go HERE to see full report & click on "Executive Summary "

Paid family leave has been shown to reduce infant mortality by as much as 20% (and the U.S. ranks a low 29th of all 37 modern countries in infant mortality).

DID U KNOW...American Academy of Pediatrics endorses breastfeeding for more than a year: "It is recommended that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired." ref#104

Selma Hayek breastfed another woman's child.
Yes folks I know, it sounds unbeliavable that they would put such an incredible story promoting not just breastfeeding but even cross breatfeeding! Way to go Nightline & network TV!

Salma Hayek, UNICEF spokesperson, was in Sierra Leone to promote a tetanus vaccine program in a country where one in five children die before the age of five. 21% of those deaths are due to tetanus. Another reason for the high mortality rate is lack of breastfeeding.

In one scene, Salma nurses a little baby (her own is now over a year). She then tells the story of her great grandmother in Mexico nursing the baby of a stranger who didn't have enough milk. thx breastfeeding.blog.motherwear.com


They also recommend against TV viewing for children under the age of 2.
Like my ECE Art teacher says "Experience is the best teacher." There is no experience children get while watching TV. Think about this...which would you prefer....your friend came back from Paris & told you all about it or you were handed a passport & ticket to Paris?

86% of the brain growth that occurs after birth transpires within the first five years of life?

Yes amazing! Read on..."[A] newborn's brain is only about one-quarter the size of an adult's. It grows to about 80 percent of adult size by three years of age and 90 percent by age five. This growth is largely due to changes in individual neurons, which are structured much like trees. Thus, each brain cell begins as a tiny sapling and only gradually sprouts its hundreds of long, branching dendrites. Brain growth (measured as either weight or volume) is largely due to the growth of these dendrites, which serve as the receiving point for synaptic input from other neurons." -thx    Essential Questions & ZerotoThree

The rate of cesarean births in the US has risen to 31% in the last 10 years.
That's a more than a 50% jump! The cesarean rate in the United States in 1970 was only 6%. This meant that about 94% of women were giving birth vaginally in this country. Think the increase might have anything to do with the increase in malpractice lawsuits
against Drs? And the convenience for Drs who can just schedule you in to fit their schedules?!

Hospital-based midwives have a documented 10% cesarean rate in comparison. Unnecessary cesarean sections increase health care costs and contribute toward increased maternal and infant morbidity and mortality.

Attachment Parenting can reduce the risk of SIDS.

The World Health Organization has recognized the importance of midwives, noting that women who give birth with a midwife often have shorter labor times and usually don't need as much medication.

Having a Midwife:
-Reduces the Risk of Miscarriage or Stillbirth Prior to 24 Weeks

-Reduces the Use of an Epidural (Regional Anesthesia)
-Reduces Incidence of Episiotomies When Midwives Attend the Labor
-Reduces Chances of Forceps or Vacuum Extractors When Midwife is Present
-Increases the Chances of Vaginal Birth and Lower the Cesarean Rate
-Breastfeeding is More Likely to be Initiated

Inducing labor (with pictocin) can set off a domino effect & lead to "emergen
cy c-section".
Your body releases natural labor inducer (oxytocin) that starts labor when your body is ready. Oxytocin also has natural pain relievers (that are secreted in bursts), so if you get induced into labor your body does not release those. Pitocin is released in a steady flow. This leads to:

-more painful contractions
-continuous electronic fetal monitoring
-confined to bed (IV, electric fetal monitor)
-more likely to need pain medication (such as an epidural)
-increased likelihood of c-section (complications with pictocin & epidural use, false fetal stress due to electronic fetal monitoring)

DID U KNOW...Formula commercials have a disclaimer, if you look closely you will see the caption "Breastfeeding is recommended", don't believe me just see the Similac website here!

There are around 400 nutrients in breast milk that are not present in formula.
And they still haven't found them all yet!!

Wearing your baby in a sling (or pack) makes them smarter.
They also cry less, grow & talk better! Also great for breastfeeding & putting baby to sleep. Plus it makes life easier for you & daddy as you can wear your baby & get things done! (try wearing your baby while going out to eat, doing chores, shopping etc) A centuries old tradition makes a comeback yay! Get a sling HERE @ www.CarryMeAway.com
Breastfeeding mamas lose weight faster. click here to see my post on more benefits of breastfeeding!

It is important bonding time in the first hour after birth.
"The first few hours after birth are called the "maternal sensitive period." The mother becomes deeply involved, on an emotional level, with her newborn. The first hour after birth is also a time of quiet alertness for the newborn. Later the baby goes into a deep resting stage for several hours, during which it is difficult to rouse him. The mother who holds and communicates with her baby immediately receives a sense of fulfillment and gratification."-from Gentle Birth Choices
This works especially well if you & your baby are drug free! All I could do after I gave birth, to my beautiful baby girl, was smile & hold her, she looked right at me. Complete JOY! Newborn baby checks (like height, weight, bathing, vitamin K & eye ointment) can wait till after that first hour (as long as your baby is well). It was just me, daddy & my mom there the first hour to welcome her to the world. It was the best!! Don't forget to start breast feeding then too!

Epidurals have been shown to:
-Slow labor
-Lead to increased use of Pitocin (to induce labor)
-Lead to increased use of foreceps or vacuum
-Increase the likelihood of cesareans, especially in first-time mothers
-Increase the mothers temperature, resulting in her & the baby receiving antibiotics & invasive tests
-Cause a host of complications including long-term chronic problems & even maternal death

Epidurals do cross through the placenta & cause these effects in newborns:
-Reduced muscle tone
-Decreased sucking
-Lowered neurobehavioral scores
-Increased incidence of jaundice

(info from Gentle Birth Choices also see The Business of Being Born)

The hospital is NOT necessarily the safest place to have a baby.
"The United States has consistently high maternal & perinatal mortality and morbidity rates compared to other industrialized countries." In 2003 the US ranked 32nd. "This means that there are 31 countries where it is safer for women to give birth than in the United States."
Who was top ranked? "Those where midwifery is an integral part of obstetric care & where births more commonly take place outside large hospitals." Singapore, Sweden & Japan where the top 3 for 2003.
-quotes from from Gentle Birth Choices

The benefits of having a doula are:
50% reduction in cesarean rate
60% reduction in epidural requests
40% in use of pitocin
25% shorter labor
30% in use of analgesia
40% reduction in forceps use

-from from Gentle Birth Choices

Electric Fetal Monitors (the thing they strap around your belly while in labor) "had a 74 percent false positive rate. That means that 74 out of 100 times the monitor tracings indicated distress when there was none." Just another excuse for a Dr. to perform an "emergency" c-section! No thank you! Those things only tie you down to the bed on your back (the worst position for labor). Trust your body, it knows what to do.
-quotes from from Gentle Birth Choices

DID U KNOW...There really is a mind-body connection. (positive thoughts=positive outcome)
Author of Childbirth Without Fear, Grantly Dick-Read, noted "that when a woman experiences fear (an emotion), her body tightens (a physical response), which causes pain. When she experiences the pain the level of fear increases, causing more tension & thus more pain. A cycle of fear, tension, and pain becomes established and often leads to a prolonged birth process. "
-quotes from from Gentle Birth Choices
also see The Secret

Need a lil help? Free stuff, prenatal, birthing, childcare & assistance programs

Go to http://www.govbenefits.gov/ to find ALL government benefits you might be entitled to & how to apply (including WIC, insurance, small biz loans, food stamps, childcare & more). The easiest way to see what you qualify for is to take the questionnaire. Go to Benefits tab & click on "take questionnaire".

Cali & Solano Co/Bay Area:
 At the First 5 California website you can get a free Kit for New Parents mailed to you. Just click here. It's that easy! Or call 1800-KIDS-025

Also related to 1st 5 is the "Solano Mamas Handbook". email: cfcsolano@solanocounty.com to get a FREE copy. You can also go HERE to order one, it's free but you pay about $7 shipping.
About: "We've collected all the top Mama secrets-from community services and school information to places to do and things to see—and packed them into 25+ in-depth chapters."

Just call 2-1-1 to connect to community services in the Bay (child care, job services, rent assistance, legal aid, healthcare, counseling, food, shelter, clothing & MORE) ya heard!

Healthcare/Prenatal Help:
 Sign up for a great prenatal newsletter HERE : "yourPregnancy Week by Week: A weekly newsletter for pregnant women. Week by Week information about your pregnancy and your baby's development." mothering.com/newsletters/

http://www.babyfirstsolano.com/ A program provided through First 5 Solano providing services to pregnant women including assistance finding a provider, obtaining health insurance, breastfeeding support and parenting classes. 1-877-680-BABY (2229)

La Clinica/ Great Beginnings
For pregnant women and teens with Medi-Cal in Vallejo and surrounding areas, provides prenatal care, CPSP wraparound services, substance abuse screening, education, and motivational counseling for women at risk
Call Nadia Sandoval at (707) 645-7316 

Prenatal Care Guidance
For pregnant women and teens in all of Solano County, assists women into early prenatal care and medical insurance and refers to BabyFirst Solano programs
1-877-680-BABY (2229) or Esther Hamrick at (707) 784-8540

ABC Prenatal Program
For pregnant women and teens with Medi-Cal in Fairfield and surrounding areas, provides prenatal care, education, and counseling for women, located at the NorthBay medical Center
Amelia Franklin, Case Manager at (707) 429-6751 
Alpha Pregnancy Resource Center 
The center is a nonprofit offering hope, help and healing to teens and women in Solano County. The free and confidential services include pregnancy counseling and prevention education, pregnancy testing, pre and post-abortion syndrome counseling. Their C.A.R.E. program also provides expectant and new mothers with support, education, and referrals while guiding learning and responsibility but encouraging responsibility. Call or visit their website for more info.
(707) 643-2575 Vallejo   (707) 373-8940 Benicia    (707) 428-3300 Fairfield    (707) 449-8991 Vacaville

Healthy Kids Solano
Healthy Kids Solano is a locally developed health insurance program created to provide coverage to children who do not qualify for the state sponsored programs, such as free cost Medi-Cal, and Healthy Families Program. 
Solano Kids Insurance Program (SKIP) 
The Solano Kids Insurance Program (SKIP), a program of the Solano Coalition for Better Health, is a centralized health insurance resource for uninsured children and their families.  Our goal is that all children living in Solano County have health care coverage and access to health care services.

Its About My Baby
    For pregnant and postpartum teens age 19 and younger, provides perinatal services such as substance abuse screening, education, and motivational counseling for at-risk teens, has bilingual staff and can provide transportation to prenatal care appointments
Debbie Terrazas, Project Manager (707) 645-7316 
Growing Together Perinatal Program
    For pregnant women and teens with Medi-Cal in Solano County, assists with transportation to prenatal care appointments, provides breast pump rentals for Partnership Healthplan women returning to work, provides incentives for attending all scheduled prenatal and postpartum appointments.
Call (707) 863-4276 or Phyllis Pratt, Perinatal Coordinator (707) 863-4223
Adolescent Family Life Program
    For pregnant and parenting teens ages 19 and younger if in high school, provides case management, childbirth education, infant massage classes and support groups, through Planned Parenthood
Call Tracy Nunley, Community Services Manager (707) 421-2750x201
Black Infant Health
    For pregnant African American women 18 and older in Vallejo, Fairfield, Suisun, and Vacaville, provides social support and empowerment classes
Contacts: In Vallejo contact Sheila McGregor at (707) 553-5055, in Fairfield contact Mary Henderson at (707) 784-8506
Children's Nurturing Project
    For pregnant and parenting teens, parents in recovery, and children 0-2years., provides parenting classes for pregnant and parenting teens with children 0-5 in recovery, Welcome Home Baby visits and developmental screenings, all babies get a free gift.
Contact Laurie Andres, Program Coordinator at (707) 422-0464
Nubian Mentoring Program
    For pregnant African American women 18 and older in Fairfield, Suisun, Vallejo, and Benicia, provides mentorship services to expectant women and recruits volunteers for mentoring
Adrian Robinson at (707) 647-1520x202

AIM: low cost insurance for pregnant women aim.ca.gov
Family Planning: referrals to state-funded clinics 1800-942-1054
Healthy Families/Medi-cal: low cost insurance healthyfamilies.ca.gov
Planned Parenthood ppfa.org
Low cost vision care for children under 18 sightforstudents.org

FREE Drs advice:AskDrSears.com Check their website & blog for all your baby needs.
They are my go to folks for everything baby & breast feeding &attachment parenting!! THESE Drs know what they're talkin' bout! This husband & wife team wrote The Baby Book & most of the info in the book is on their website for FREE!!! That book got me through the first 2 years of my dtrs life & I couldn't have done it without them :) I especially like them because they have 8 kids of their own (experience is the best teacher). All too often I have had doctors give me advice on something they know little about (ie birthing, but you're not a mother).  
See my post on other resources on breast feeding, birthing, baby care & more HEREhttp://rootsmamas.blogspot.com/2008/07/need-lil-help-heres-other-helpful.html

They now have a Dr Sears app too!! Sadly not free tho! 

Breast Feeding Help:

DID YOU KNOW...if there is pain with breastfeeding something is wrong. Yes this happened to me, the first 2 weeks after my dtr was born, I had nipple pain & they became dry & cracked. Little did I know this is NOT normal. It is a sign something is wrong, so stop & call your lactation consultant right away. 9 times out of 10 it's a latching or positioning problem, that can be easily fixed, so don't wait!! This is one of the most common reasons why mamas stop Bfing & we don't want that! I didn't know until recently that there shouldn't be any pain w/ BFing. I just stuck it out & eventually me & my baby got it right. Don't make my mistake :) HERE's a youtube on how to get the proper latch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zln0LTkejIs See my post about BFing for more youtube vids!
Always consult an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Remember you can't always trust the "white coat". While they ARE Drs, a lot of them aren't trained in BFing. IBCLC's know best. Trust your gut when a doctor gives you breastfeeding or parenting advice (most weren't trained in that either lol). Ask yourself: "Does this feel right for me?" If not get a 2nd opinion!

Through a new program at WIC (Women, Infants & Children) you now have access to Breastfeeding Peer Counselors & IBCLC's for FREE!!!! I am one & we can help you with all kinds of support/resources & free pumps! Come see us!!!!

KellyMom.com "Breastfeeding and Parenting. Evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting issues." She's an IBCLC & can answer a lot of questions!

Blacktating.com "Breastfeeding News & Views from a Mom of Color"  I LOOOOVE her blog!!!

BestforBabes.org "Beating the Booby Traps that prevent Moms from achieving their personal breastfeeding goals"
Best for Babes

For MORE info see my post on breastfeeding HERE
Also join Roots Mamas on Facebook, as I said I'm a WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor & there I post helpful tips & info on common BFing problems (& solutions *wink*) & converse with other Roots Mamas, join us!! 
Breastfeeding information & support lalecheleague.org  go on their site to find a local suppot group

Local Breastfeeding Support:

WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselors & Lactation Consultants:
Vallejo 707-553-5939 Fairfeild 707-784-2213 Vacaville 707-448-7361

Go to a Support Group:

Vallejo/Napa Locations

WIC office 
553-5381 Spanish only (English coming soon), 2nd Wednesdays of the month 3:00 – 4:00 PM 365 Tuolumne Street, 3rd floor
MEW Project for African American Moms
648-1287 Last Saturday of the month 9:30 – 11:00 AM 190 Hospital Drive
Kaiser Baby and Me Support Groups (Kaiser Members ONLY)
651-2696 Every Monday 10:00 -11:00 AM Second floor in Conference Room 3
Napa La Leche League (707) 253-9137

Fairfield/Suisun Locations
WIC Office
784-2200 English or Spanish, 1st Fridays of the month 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM 2101 Courage Drive
La Leche League Meetings
864-3050 2nd Wednesday of the month 7:00 – 8:30 PM 1737 Rockville Road
2nd Tuesday of the month 10:00 – 11:30 AM 1601 Alcazar Ct., Suisun
NorthBay Every Tues 12:00-2:30 PM 

Vacaville Location
La Leche League Meeting
469-8096 3rd Tuesday of the month 7:00 – 8:30 PM 531 Marbella Lane

La Leche League Support Groups for Benicia, Vallejo, Fairfield, Vacaville, Martinez, and Walnut Creek 
(707) 644-3599 or (707) 446-4223

NorthBay Medical Center (Fairfield)
Classes: (707) 399-6437  Phone Support: (707) 429-7858
Sutter Solano Medical Center (Vallejo)
Phone Support: (707) 554-5040  Appointments (707) 554-5226
Sutter Davis Medical Center (Davis)
Classes: (530) 756-6760  Phone Support (530) 756-6667
Kaiser Permanente 
Fairfield/Vallejo: (707) 651-5582
Vacaville: (707) 453-5429
Pediatric Advice: (707) 651-1025
Classes, books, and video rental or purchase:
Vallejo 707-651-2692, Napa 707-258-4490, Fairfield 707-427-4466, Vacaville 707-453-5155
David Grant Medical Center (Travis AFB)
Lactation Unit 707-423-7129
New Parents Support Program (707) 423-5168
Support, Info, and Classes (707) 423-5361 or 423-3912
Local Clinics for Breastfeeding Support
ABC (Vallejo) 707-646-4166 (Fairfield)  (707) 429-6751
Great Beginnings (Vallejo)  (707) 554-5164 or (707) 645-7316
Dixon Family Practice (Dixon)  (707) 635-1600 x 1662
La Clinica Vallejo (707) 556-8100 x 124 
Family Health Centers of Planned Parenthood Fairfield (707) 429-8855
Napa Valley Breastfeeding Coalition (707) 866-9333 or berybrit@napanet.net  

Public Health Nursing
    For pregnant and postpartum women and teens and infants in Solano County, provides education, assesments, and referrals for pregnant and postpartum women and their babies, provides breastfeeding assistance.
In Vallejo: (707) 553-5402      Fairfield/Vacaville: (707) 784-8070

Birthing & Baby Care:
local (East Bay/Solano):
Doula'sBirthingDreams.org & AsYouWishBirthServices.com

on the web:

Looking for a Baby Friendly Hospital??
Go HERE (http://www.babyfriendlyusa.org/eng/03.html) to find one in your area. If you're in the Bay, Hayward Kaiser is the closest one I've found, Woo Hoo!
To see what a "Baby Friendly Hospital" is see my other post HEREhttp://rootsmamas.blogspot.com/2008/07/roots-mama-recommendsbooksdvds-more.html 

FREE Birth Plan:HERE from EarthMamaAngelBaby.com

http://www.givingbirthnaturally.com/ a beautiful site & the name says it all, TONS of info!!
http://www.childbirthconnection.org/ "Helping women & health care professionals make informed maternity care decisions" (I wish i had found this site before i had my baby!)
http://www.birthingnaturally.net/ good site & easy to navigate!
http://www.naturalbirthandbabycare.com/ another good educational site & has some natural birth videos
http://www.askdrsears.com/ very good site!! from my favorite family Dr. (you'll find many links in my blog to this site!) also the author of The Baby Book that I recommend. (a lot of info that is in book can be found on their website too!)
 DONA Find a certified doula in your area, find out information about doulas and why they are so awesome to have at your birth!
 ALACE Association of Labor Assistants and Childbirth Educators 
 CAPPA Childbirth and Postpartum Professionals Association 

SHARE YOUR BIRTH STORY AT http://www.mybestbirth.com/
My Best Birth: "Take back your birth! Join the fastest growing community on the web. Get advice from experts & share your birth experience"

Take your under 2 year old to HAPPY FROG (indoor jumpy house playland) in Vallejo for FREE every day they're open! All other children $5. They even have special toddler only time on thursdays!

Also in Vallejo: LAAM 520 Carolina St. FREE diapers, clothing & more! 707-642-5001

Solano Carseat Connection
    This program provides education on safe carseat installation as well as carseat checks and inspections. They also have classes that provide gift certificates toward the purchase of a safe car seat for your baby. Call to make an appointment to have your vehicle carseats inspected for Free by certified carseat technicians! 
Call (707) 553-KKID or en espanol (707) 784-8081.

Childcare Help:
Each county has a CEL (or Centralized Eligibility List) that when you sign up for, you apply for all subsidized childcare programs (for low-income families).
The best way to find the CEL for your county is to google "Centralized Eligibility List & the name of your county".

Childcare Connection rrnetwork.org
The Children's Network of Solano County
Solano Family and Children's Services
http://www.solanosfcs.org/ Childcare Resources 
Child Start (Head Start)

Food/Shelter Help: 
Services include FREE: Homeless case management, self-sufficiency programs, food give-aways, rental assistance ("Season of Sharing"), counseling, anger management & parenting classes, low-cost telephone service, immigration, tax preparation and information/referrals.
They're awesome!! & They have locations all over the country, not just Solano County 
Here's list of where the Food Banks are located all over the counties: HERE 

Free Food for Children: Children, 4 and 5 years old, receive free food every month at one of nine sites throughout Contra Costa and Solano counties. Children, who are referred by WIC staff (Federal government: Women, Infants, and Children program), are provided with a large box of nutritious, high-protein food weighing 25 pounds. Go HERE for info www.foodbankccs.org/get-help/food-for-children.html

Federal Women, Infants and Children programprovides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding / non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are at nutritional risk.

Free Meals for Children & Teens during summer

Salvation Army: People can receive holiday assistance, meals, money to pay rent and utility bills, prescription vouchers and even money for an overdue mortgage, as funding allows. Vallejo, Dixon, Fairfield, Vacaville. (707) 784-8050
Dixon Family Assistance offers several services and resources. They have a program that can help pay energy bills, provide renters and homeowners with funds for rent help, and they run a food bank that is located on site that can help people struggling to pay for their next meal. 707-678-0442
Families in Transition in Benicia provides rent assistance and homelessness prevention services to Benicia area families who suddenly suffer an unexpected economic setback due to a medical emergency, unemployment, health, job loss, or family problems. (707) 645-3000
The Benicia Community Action Council, (707) 745-0900, offers several different assistance programs for youth and seniors and they also administer emergency services for low-income families to help them with bills and expenses.
St. Vincent De Paul Society local non-profit agency that provides emergency financial assistance to low income and other struggling residents. The agency can distribute motel vouchers, food, money for partial utility bill payments, and housing aid. Vallejo (707) 556-9846 Benicia (707) 747-7220.
Rio Vista Community Services offers qualified families rent help, they provide emergency homelessness prevention services including transportation, free food, shelter, utility and heating bill payment assistance and even prescription drug expense assistance and vouchers. (707) 374-5706.
Healthy Start Family Resource Network - The non-profit provides assistance obtaining temporary financial assistance for paying utilities. They help people file for the federal government Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). They also help families and individuals obtain assistance through a network of churches and charities as funds are available. Also help people find jobs, offer resume reviews, and computer access. Fairfield (707) 421-3224
Community Presbyterian Church - Good Samaritan ((707) 448-5055) - Offers assistance on a limited basis  for Vacaville California residents who may be experiencing an immediate emergency need for vehicle gasoline, utility bills for gas, electricity or water expenses.
Mission Solano - Offers shelter and food. (707) 422-1011
St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Fairfield ((707) 422-4741), offers groceries and clothing to anyone in need of aid.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church - Offers food and groceries. (707) 448-2390
Bay Area Foreclosure Assistance Collaborative - The organizations hosts foreclosure information workshops, prevention tactics and free seminars both distressed homeowners and renters whose landlords are facing foreclosure. Housing advocates, counselors and legal experts cover the foreclosure process, for free, and provide information on tenants' rights, foreclosure rescue scams, mortgage refinance issues, and more. (510) 271-8443
Pacific Community Services - Counselors from this HUD agency provide free or low cost confidential counseling to families who are in danger of losing their homes through a foreclosure filing. Counseling and advice offered includes forbearance agreements, reinstatement, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, refinancing or recasting the mortgage and sale of the property and assignment of the Mortgage to HUD. Phone (800) 914-6874.
HUD rental assistance (section 8 etc)

Education Help:
Get FREE MONEY to go to college.
Step 1: Find out what college you want to attend & sign up! 
Step 2: Apply for Financial Aid by filling out a FAFSA HERE http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/# 
Step 3: Apply for a Cal Grant http://www.calgrants.org/ 
Step 4: sign up for BOG Fee Waiver at your school or HERE http://www.cccapply.org/BOG_Waiver/ (easy to get & it waives most college fees) 

Help for your pocket:This lady's blog (I Love a Good Deal) got ton's of free stuff especially this FREE stuff/food!!
FREE magazine subscription to KIWI "Growing families the natural & organic way" here
(more mags 4 free there too!)
FREE 1st Birthday cake for your lil sprout
And find ALL FREE stuff on your birthday here: http://www.freebirthdaytreats.com/ (the best site!!)
Only one I found not listed there: Free Grand Slam on your b-day @ Denny's, just show your ID
UPDATE: You know I LOVE cupcakes! Here's Barnes & Noble Kids Club (info below & more on website: https://kids.barnesandnoble.com/kidsclub/)

We Celebrate Kids' Birthdays!

30% off list price on any one kids' book or toy for your children

  • Free cupcake from our café for all your children's birthdays
  • Free digital book created by your child on Tikatok.com
Want FREE TICKETS to Disneyland?? (UPDATE: sadly this is over)
Go HERE to sign up for the Give a day, Get a Day program. Just put your zip code in & it will bring up volunteer opportunities in your area. Once you sign up & volunteer, you'll get your tix in your email. We did it & felt great to give back to our community.

Want $5 for FREE?? Just activate a NetSpend prepaid Visa card (this card is great & you will never get overdraft charges!)
To redeem:
Visit www.mynetspendcard.com to purchase your card online or search for a nearby retailer at netspend.com
Once you receive your card in the mail activate it online and enter the referral code provided for a $5 credit to your Account
REFERRAL CODE: 6852603374
No credit application. No Bills. No hidden fees.

Just go to unclaimed.org to find any unclaimed money or property you may have (this is a site that leads you to each states FREE search site, if you go to a site that charges, don't do it! the search should always be FREE). I went to unclaimed.org, clicked on my state & found I had money waiting for me! Sound too good to be true? That's what I thought. BUT..companies are required by law to send funds from lost accounts to the state of the owner's last known address. Then the state holds them for safe keeping until they are claimed. So you never know. The unclaimed.org site has more info HERE

Every U.S. state, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands - and Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta in Canada have unclaimed property programs that actively find owners of lost and forgotten assets.

Total of at least $32.877 billion is currently being safeguarded by state treasurers and other agencies for 117 million accounts.

Claims can be made into perpetuity in most cases - even by heirs.

What is Unclaimed Property?
Unclaimed property (sometimes referred to as abandoned) refers to accounts in financial institutions and companies that have had no activity generated or contact with the owner for one year or a longer period. Common forms of unclaimed property include savings or checking accounts, stocks, uncashed dividends or payroll checks, refunds, traveler's checks, trust distributions, unredeemed money orders or gift certificates (in some states), insurance payments or refunds and life insurance policies, annuities, certificates of deposit, customer overpayments, utility security deposits, mineral royalty payments, and contents of safe deposit boxes.


Music FOR FREE to lift your soul:Whole albums from....
East Bay's own hip-hop-jazz band phenomenon: Kev Choice
First Lady of the Bay: Jimmie Reign

50 free music downloads from emusic!

not free yet but check him out:

BOONDOX: Tripple Laced


Fabulous site: Bay Area on the Cheap!  TONS of FREEBIES , a complete listing of all FREE museum/attraction days, cheap dates, cheap gas finder, 1/2 price on tickets & MORE MORE MORE!! Can't say enough about how great this site is!! Thanks bayareaonthecheap.com!

Free Movies Online: Hulu.com

Don't forget about your local library!! You can check out books, dvds, cds, use internet & more! Plus they're FREE & most have online services so you can place hold on books etc. Then when they're ready just go down & pick them up off the hold shelf (so quick & easy!)

Check MomsinBloom.org's phenomenal Solano County resources HERE including children w/ disabilities help, local midwifes/doulas info & more!

Postpartum Support International: 24 hour support for new mamas with depression postpartum.net 1800-773-6667
Support for single parents parentswithoutpartners.org
Need help to stop smoking? californiasmokershelpline.org
Info on CA state disability www.edd.ca.gov/Disability
Being discriminated at work? http://www.eeoc.gov/

Child Abuse and neglect: 800-544-8696
SafeQuest (Solano County): "Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault"
Crisis:  1-866-4UR SAFE                                
Business: 707-422-7345 
Domestic Violence and Assault Services and Counseling: 866-4-UR-SAFE (487-7233)
Emergency Mental Health Crisis Line: 707-428-1131 or 800-547-0495