Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fresh n'ot Funky Natural Deodorant Challenge

I don't know what it is about coconuts & me. I love to eat things made with coconut, drink coconut (& rum) drinks, love the smell of coconuts and recently found the healing & somewhat magical properties of coconut. I've been obsessed with the Caribbean since I was a little girl, the beaches, the weather, the people, the music, the sea, pirates, mermaids and now as an adult, rum. It's my go to drink and, swear, I didn't pick it on purpose, it picked me lol. Somehow I feel connected to this place, maybe I'm from the Caribbean in a past life? Wait where were we? Oh yeah the Natural Deodorant Fresh n'ot Funky Challenge. 

I'm challenging you to leave behind your old deodorant for 1 month & give the natural side a try! I'm going all out, balls to the walls, go hard or go home & making a VERY simple concoction, but feel free to dabble in deodorant au naturel at your own comfort level. I've been using natural, non antiperspirants, for about a year or 2 now. I wanted the change because it just didn't feel like I was doing my body good by putting all these harsh chemicals (especially aluminum) into my body for the sake of not sweating. It just seems counter intuitive, my body sweats for a reason right? BUT I didn't want to be FUNKY doing it. If I could find a natural deodorant that kept me smelling fresh at the end of the day, I'd be soooo in!  

Are you up for the challenge? Here's the details:
1. Choose what natural deodorant you want to try
2. Start using it this week 7/4-7/10 (NOTE-if you've only been using antiperspirants know: it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Your body kinda does a detox when you switch so the 1st week you might be extra funky, that's why this is a month long challenge)
3. Comment on our Facebook page ( that you want to be part of challenge.
4. Keep us updated weekly on how it's going on our Facebook (I'll be posting to ask for updates & sharing mine on FB & here every week)
5. Everyone who makes it to the end (7/31) gets a prize!

Let's Celebrate our Independence from harsh chemicals this 4th of July!

Here's What I'm Trying
So I started with my natural deodorant journey with Tom's in lavender, then apricot when they didn't carry that at the store I went to anymore. They worked pretty good & by the end of the day were only slightly funky. But every now and then, I'd have a day where Tom's just didn't cut it. So the next time I went to buy deodorant I saw Degree had a new option out, Degree natureffects deodorant in Honeysuckle & Tea Tree Oil. So I tried it, worked like a charm! At the end of even my stankiest day I still smelled fresh! WHOO HOO yay! Uh wait, no. I go to pick one up when I run out & it's gone, disappeared! I check online, can't find it, can't find it, wait there it is only $6 with shipping. Ok no, I'm not paying $6 for a deodorant that I'm still not even sure is 100% natural. So I go back to the internet and I come across an interesting discovery: a simple & easy (cuz if it's not I ain't doing it!) homemade deodorant that has got rave reviews by a fellow blogger. There are 3 ingredients: coconut oil, arrowroot powder or corn starch & baking soda! Here's her blog about the challenge they did:
natural-deodorant-challenge/. And here's the HOW TO on making the deodorant I'm trying: Yes this sounds kinda crazy but hey I'm giving it a shot given my experience with this miracle worker: coconut oil!

Coconut Oil Rocks
So I discovered coconut oil this past year while on another natural challenge: my lovely daughters curly hair! Following the advice of a blog i follow (HERE at, I got it to help with her dry scalp & hair. Turns out this stuff is awesome!!! I have psoriasis on my scalp which makes it extremely scaly flaky & itchy. Not wanting to take the prescription filled with steroids, I had been trying other natural products (shea butter, homeopathic etc) which helped but didn't fully make my problems go away. Ding, ding, light bulb moment when I thought to try the coconut oil! 

The first week of using it (about every other day) most symptoms where gone! And by the end of the month I was only using it once a week. Now I just use once a week. Try it for yourself if you have any skin problems. Just note: it is VERY oily & got my hair looking greasy at the roots after applying it. So my solution was to spray just the hair with a dry shampoo & voila, problem solved. 

The other thing i recently found coconut oil was great for was ringworm! I know what your thinking, YUCK. it's actually not a worm but a fungus and yeah it happens to the best of us. I work with young kids teaching dance, music, yoga & art so I am exposed to a lot of different ailments in the business. Anyway, it was all over my torso (due to my apparently non breathable work out tank, which doesn't make sense but that's another story). My doctor said to get an over the counter anti fungal & it would go away in about 2 weeks. So 'ol natural me got on the google (lol) & it said try coconut oil for ringworm. The estimated time of departure (for my symptoms) was the same as the over the counter med, soooo...I decided it couldn't hurt to try. I put in on every night after my shower & by 2 weeks it was gone. Ok I was like this rocks! So now I also use it for moisturizing my really dry parts (feet, hands, face etc). It's been gentle enough on my face too & does not break me out. i do have pretty dry skin tho, so keep that in mind.

Soooo, that's my story. You can see why I'm all in. So get started folks, let's do this!

I'll be posting UPDATES & pix here soon!

I'm using Nutiva brand of organic extra virgin coconut oil 15 oz. I buy on amazon & a lot of times they have a BOGO special or free shipping & discount thru amazon mom. :)

Here's Day 1 mixin' up my homemade deodorant! Very easy to make:

 It says that consistency is supposed to be the same as store bought, but mines a lil melty, I reread the directions: coconut oil is supposed to be in the solid state when mixing! (it melts at 76 degrees):

So then I mix in a little more baking soda & corn starch & let sit in fridge for a bit & it came out like this:

Then (as suggested on the blog) I put it in my old deodorant container:

Then put the rest in an old Body Shop (yep coconut) lotion pot (i knew that someday i would reuse it lol):  

UPDATE #3: End of Week 1 Challenge
So it's the end of week numero uno & i have to say I'm shocked that this deodorant is working so well!!! It's kinda awesome. I was skeptical at first but i am SOLD. I have had not 1 FUNKY day & I've never had to reapply throughout the day!!! NOTE-if you've only been using antiperspirants know: it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Your body kinda does a detox when you switch so the 1st week you might be extra funky, that's why this is a month long challenge. I've already gone thru the detox since i've been using natural deodorants the past few years.

Day 1: applied after shower (out of the pot, with the spoon i still had in my bathroom from mixing, but you can use fingers), there was a lil extra left under my arms so i just wiped with a wash cloth lightly to remove excess (most of it was absorbed, so it was a lil powder that i dabbed off). I applied in the evening so i tested it a full 32 hours. It was a hot day & at the end of the 32 hours i was just a tiny bit musty! Amazing!
Day 3: i work with kids (teaching dance, music, yoga, art classes) so i sweat a lot throughout my work day, so this would really test the deodorants strength. End of day smell test: surprisingly sweet smell of coconut oil!!! I think i applied a lil too much or forgot to wipe off excess cuz it got a lil on my tank top.
Day 5: after telling 2 of my co workers about the challenge i was doing, they wanted to smell the pits. The verdict: smelled good, no stank! Thank goodness cuz that would have been embarrassing :) 
Day 7: End of the day & first week and still no smell!! Also gave the smell test to my man a few times throughout the week, passed with flying colors!! And that's really saying sumthin, cuz if your man's like mine, he will tell you the real whether you like it or not!

So here's my PROS & CONS:

  • can be a lil messy on application
  • could be challenging to travel with (due to the melty nature) I would take in jar and not deodorant stick for traveling
  • you do sweat (as with any non-antiperspirant)

  • toxin free
  • keeps you fresh & NOT funky!! stank you very much!
  • works all day long
  • smells sweet
  • easy to make
  • keeps a long time (non perishable)
  • a lil goes a long way, keeping the cost down (my total cost was around $10 for the supplies and i have lots extra to make a few more batches). The blog that i found the recipe on said 1 batch lasts around 3 months for 2 people, so thinking 6 months for 1. So if I get 3 batches out of my supplies, it should last around years or about $6.66 per year. Now that's a good deal!!!
How did your first week go????? Leave us a comment on our FB page & let us know!!

UPDATE #4: End of Week 2 Challenge
Hey hey! I'm still going STRONG with my deo. Haven't had a funky day. I'm in LOOOOOOVE! I put the deodorant that i put in my old deodorant container in my fridge (due to the meltiness) & so i'll have one deodorant upstairs and one down. I leave it out of fridge for a few minutes after i use it so i can just roll it up a little before i put it back. That way it's all ready for the next use. Otherwise it's too hard to roll up when i first take it out of the fridge. The other thing i started using this week was a wide wooden popsicle stick (think waxing stick lol) to apply deodorant from my jar. After eating a fudgecicle the idea came to me (perfect size & width), so a washed it good & went to town. Works well & is also good  for stirring since sometimes the ingredients separate a lil bit. 
How'd week 2 go for ya?? Leave us a comment on our FB page & let us know!!

UPDATE #5: End of Week 3 Challenge
Nothing new to update except this great resource for many other uses for coconut oil: HERE
How'd week 3 go for ya?? Leave us a comment on our FB page & let us know!!

UPDATE #6: End of Week 4 Challenge; Finito!
Yes, yes I'ma lil late on updating you guys but hey, i'm a mom, you know how it is! No real updates besides this deodorant is rad & i'm never going back to store bought!!! One lil note I did have one slightly funky moment when I forgot to put on the deo, then after I had sweated a lil i applied it. So don't forget to apply it right away :) Other than that i've been FUNK FREE, yippee! 
Here's a pic of the popsicle stick i've been using to apply sometimes:
This was an awesome challenge, thank you to everyone who participated. Prizes will be sent soon (once i get participant info). 
And oh, if you are just now finding out about the challenge, it's not too late to try it. Simply start on your own & keep us posted via facebook. We really wanna know how it works for you!!!!

Here's a few tips from fellow challengers:
"I actually don't mind using my fingers to apply because I just massage into my hands and nails after, then rinse and have super soft hands ;-))." good info! i'd heard u could leave it on ur hands, but because of grainy baking soda etc was like huh? it makes sense now: just rinse off & ur left w/ coconut oil!

"Crunchy Betty has awesome homemade deodorant recipes on her blog. I started making my own about 2 months ago. Baking soda, arrowroot, coconut oil, Shea butter, 20-25 drops of essential oil. This had even worked awesome in SC humid 100 degree heat lately. I'll never go back to store bought deodorant."

Sunday, February 26, 2012

FREEBIES on Facebook

Yes our Roots Mamaffirmations (FREE Printable, shareable, positive affirmations for breastfeeding Mamas & more!),different color bfing symbol pix, bfing licence, as well as more freebies & other ways to get free stuff are on our FB page!! 
go here:
a lot of them can be found in our photos

& PS do you like our new designs?? take a peek & let us know :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Roots Mamas are on Facebook!!! Like us for FREE stuff!

That's right we're finally on Facebook & to celebrate we will be doing giveaways for every 100 people who “like” us (well our first giveaways are at 25 & 50 but you get the drift)! I'm so excited because I'll be able to really connect with all my other Mamas!
Roots Mamas unite!  :)

On the FB page I will be posting all the FREE stuff I find that is new & fresh (ie giveaways or deals that have short deadlines). Facebook allows me to quickly and easily get out information to you. Whereas the blog will continue to be smaller than most blogs, to give you easy access to the info you want. Roots Mamas FB page will also have info & tips to help you. But I need your help too! Please leave your tips, questions & suggestions for us & other Mamas.

At this writing, we only need 9 more LIKES until our first freebie. We're starting the giveaways at 25 cuz we need 25 LIKES to get our own FB url (ie RootsMamas). Help a Mama out! Giveaway winners will be chosen through  And you could win more than once!  So if you wanna win....spread the word! The faster we hit those numbers, the faster we’ll be giving great stuff out!

PS For an extra entry follow us here on our blog & leave us a comment to let us know you did.

And the giveaways are.....
(see all pix below)

UPDATE: Thx to ALL we now have a FB URL:!! Yay! & Our 1st winner was announced (see FB)!
UPDATE: 2nd winner was announced, see FB!
UPDATE: March 2012, 3rd winner was announced, see FB!

25 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free peacock feather headband 

50 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free Bon Bebe infant "shoe" socks (choose pink or blue)

100 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free Musical Instrument (pic coming soon) or Princess Tiana necklace & Toy Story bowl 

200 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets Dr. Suess's "There's a Wocket in My Pocket" book

300 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free Eric Carle's "The Mixed-up Chameleon" book

400 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free "Creepy Crawly Calypso" sing along CD & book (from the JAMaROO Kids Barefoot Books store) 

500 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free Putumayo "Caribbean Playground" CD (from the JAMaROO Kids Barefoot Books store)  

600 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free pair of Baby Legs (choose Sprinkles or Block design) 

700 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free SozzoniStyle childs apron (my sister makes these!! on design of your choice) the one pictured is named after my dtr & she makes cute adult aprons too!

800 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free Essiedesigns nursing cover (on design of your choice)

900 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free "Business of Being Born" DVD

1000 “likes” = randomly selected winner gets free SmallWish sling (on (choose design of your choice)

Friday, December 3, 2010

50 FREE Holiday Cards from ShutterFly!!

This post has been moved to our "Roots Mama's Contests & Giveaways" Page HERE:
or click on link on upper left side of our blog :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our 1st Giveaway: Nature's Gate Kid's Block Giggleberry Scent SPF 30 Sunscreen! ($8.99 value)

This post has been moved to our "Roots Mama's Contests & Giveaways" Page HERE:

or click on link on upper left side of our blog :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


So keeping in the spirit of getting back to our roots, I've compiled a list of FREE family fun. If you're anything like me, funds can be tight raising a lil' one. But don't let that get you down, it just means you have to be a little more creative. Just remember the wee ones are quite easily amused & everything is new to them.

1. youtube JaMaROOkids page:
All kinds of INTERACTIVE stories, songs, dances & yoga for children ages 0-5 or so
I'm officially a JaMaROO teacher now too (& loving it yay!) Believe me I know what your thinking, you work for them, you would recommend them. BUT...I do what I LOVE and believe in & my daughter LOVES the youtubes. Also check out the website We can come & teach a class at your school or daycare (we're in over 50 child care facilities in the Bay Area)

2. I say this one a lot: go to your LOCAL LIBRARY. Not only are there usually tons of free classes for babies & children, it's a great way to get in touch w/ other parents & children and your community. Plus it encourages literacy at an early age. At our library they have these cute lil backpacks (Fun Packs) filled w/ books & a cd. My daughter LOVES wearing the backpack & gets so excited about the new music & books. Speaking of music don't forget you can check out not only books for free but music & dvds too! WE HEART LIBRARIES

3. Need something close by, free & something your lil one is sure to love? Take a safari to the PET STORE. It's really like a mini zoo trip for them, without the planning & expense, woo hoo! Plus if you have any pets just plan a trip when you're low on supplies & you've killed 2 birds with one stone.

4. If you have an IKEA nearby, not only will your fam have fun walking around but don't forget about the kids department where tons of toys are on display just for your child to explore & play with. My daughter & I spent a long afternoon in the kids department goofing around. It's even fun for them to explore the display kids rooms. They stock the rooms with books (in Swedish, fresh!) so we looked at them & my daughter wanted to try every bed!

5. Speaking of stores, need a lil break after doing some shopping at the MALL? Don't forget the home furnishings sections at the department store, couches galore for resting & since it's new to your child they're sure to be entertained. While you're at the mall, some more fav's of my daughter: the escalator, the elevator, & look for kid friendly stores that might interest them. Some malls have FREE kiddie events too.  
Kids Club Bayfair. Bayfair Mall offers monthly performances and events for kids in its Center Court. There’s also an indoor play area nearby. One Sat. per month. 11am. 15555 East 14th St., San Leandro. 510-357-6000.
 Simon Kidgits Club. Free monthly events from shows to arts and crafts. Hilltop Mall, 2200 Hilltop Mall Road, Richmond, 510-223-1933; Stoneridge Mall, One Stoneridge Mall, Pleasanton. 925-463-2778.

6. Go to a PARK or FARM! Picnic & play! Classic & your kids will thank you. Get outdoors! Here's some FREE fun ones in the EAST Bay: 
Loma Vista Farm "Fertile ground for growing minds. An outdoor classroom for kids that provides hands-on educational activities involving plants and animals." They have cows, pigs, goats, horses, sheep, alpaca, cats, rabbits, birds, turtles, gardens, a greenhouse & more! I've lived in Vallejo 6 years & just recently found out about them!! Open 9a-2:30 pm M-F & select weekends, closed VCUSD holidays (chk website) (707) 556-8765 150 Ranier Ave. Vallejo, CA  
Old Borges Ranch. Learn what it was like to live and work on a family ranch in the late 19th century on a ranger-guided tour. Fourth Sat. of each month at 2pm. 1035 Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek. 925-942-0225.  
Adventure Playground. Build your own playground structures or ride the zip line. Sat. and Sun., 11-4. (Varies seasonally.) Berkeley Marina, Berkeley. 510-981- 6700.  
Cal Sailing Club. From May through Nov., the Cal Sailing Club offers free sailing on the bay at several Sunday Open Houses. Children must be at least 5 years old and with an adult.124 University Ave., Berkeley.  
Little Farm. Visiting and feeding the animals at Tilden Park’s Little Farm is always free. Lettuce and celery only, please. Daily, 8:30am-4pm. North end of Central Park Drive, Berkeley. 510-544-2233.  
Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center. Offers lots of free guided hikes, leopard shark feeding and more. Open Sat. and Sun., 10am-5pm. 4901 Breakwater Ave. 510-670-7270.
In SF they do: Sunday Streets. 6 times a year, the streets of Golden Gate Park are closed to traffic for tons of FREE fun from bike rentals to skating lessons to yoga classes. Lincoln Way at the Great Hwy 
In Marin theres: Wild Care Family Adventures. This urban wildlife rehabilitation center offers monthly FREE guided hikes for families in English & Spanish. 451-453-1000  
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Preserves. Offers numerous free activities, including guided hikes and bike rides. Some activities require reservations. Various preserves from San Carlos to Los Gatos.

7. Take a trip to the BEACH or if you're like us in Vallejo, you can go down to the waterfront & ride bikes/scooters/wagons/strollers etc or fly a kite or play with a ball on the grass or just lay down & look at the clouds.

8. FOUNTAINS! We have some in nearby downtown Fairfield that come straight up from the ground & kids from all over come to play in them, & you don't have to be a big kid to enjoy them, I took my daughter when she was under a year & she enjoyed  it. Find some in you area...

9. Take your sweetie to a NURSERY or even the garden section of your local superstore. Refreshing, fragrant & tactile. Stop & smell the flowers!!  The San Francisco Botanical garden has FREE family storytime & guided walk. Ages 4-8. 1st & 3rd sundays every month. 9th Ave at Lincoln Way 415-661-1316

10. Find a free kids center in your area, we have Happy Frog (a indoor jumpy house place, free for children 2 & under). UPDATE: Happy Frog is now Vallejo Fun Center, haven't been yet so, let me know if you have, on their FB it says the price is $0-10. Looks like an upgraded version of Happy Frog from their pix.
Lawrence Hall of Science Inventor's Lab is also a great new addition to our little town of Vallejo, it's FREE every thurs 3p-7p & on special events. Any other day $4, ages 3 & under free. Family Membership — $40: Provides families unlimited access to all drop-in programs through September 2012. Look into a free science center in your area. Hands on learning & experimenting fun! Kids as young as 1 can even participate!! See pix of our adventures there on the

11. Your local Farmer's Market is also a fun place to explore from a child's point of view. They'll be happy people watching, taking in all the sights & sounds & sometimes there's animals to look at or other children's events going on. Not to mention you can go up & down sampling everything & stocking up on local fruits, veggies & other wares.

12. Speaking of FREE SAMPLES, if you have a Whole Foods in your area, go in for some free samples. They have large sample portions (we had a huge cup of tomato, basil, mozzerella salad, all kinds of fruits & cheese too)! Delicious & nutritious!!

13. PLAY, PLAY, PLAY! Playing is your child's "work", it's how they grow smarter, stronger, healthier & happier! Here's some things at home to play with: spoons, plastic or metal bowls, empty pie tins, paper or plastic cups, paper towel tubes, empty boxes, empty baskets, measuring cups/spoons, pots & pans, oatmeal box, pillows, sock balls, dress up clothes, & bubbles. So turn on some music, make a band, dance & PLAY!
((Get out some art or make a homemade instrument. Check back soon for my post on how to make homemade instruments & art fun!))  

The SFMOMA has Famliy Studio. Explore art through hands on projects, gallery tours & more at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. 1st & 3rd sun of every month 11a-3p ages 4-12. Program & museum admission both FREE. 151 3rd St 415-357-4000 
Free Kids Play Group:  City of Alameda Free Play Group for children 2 1/2 to 5 years old, starting this fall. Field trips, fun hands-on activities (arts, science, math exploration, tiny chefs kitchen, literacy). Snacks provided. Tuesday class taught in English; Thursday class bilingual Spanish. 9/7/10 through 11/18/10.
Los Tamborcitos Spanish Music Class. You and your child under 5 can join in a weekly Spanish singalong. Every Mon. at 10am. Parque Niños Unidos, 23rd and Folsom streets. parque_ninos_unidos. 

Dancing on the Square. Kick your heels up with free weekly dance lessons on Tuesdays at 6pm. June-Aug. Courthouse Square, 2200 Broadway St., Redwood City.  
Berkeley Rep. Become part of the action at the berkeley Repertory School of Theater Sunday Sampler, with several free classes for families. 1pm on Jan. 10 and April 4. 2071 Addison St., Berkeley. 510-647-2972.

14. Speaking of the arts, most MUSEUMS have a FREE day once a month but here's some that are always FREE
SF has Randall Museum. Includes a caboose, wild native California animals and a Toddler Treehouse Exploration Zone. 99 Museum Way. 415-554-9600.  
Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo. Has more than 50 species of animals in its outdoor zoo and 2,500 feet of hands-on exhibits indoors. 1451 Middlefi eld Road, Palo Alto. 650-329-2111.
Hayward Downtown Museum. Children can learn the history of the area with costumes, books and more in the Curiosity Clubhouse. 22701 Main St., Hayward. 510- 581-0223.  
Chabot Space and Science Center. Free viewing from Chabot’s telescopes, among the largest in the country regularly open to the public. Fri. and Sat., 7:30-10:30 pm, weather permitting. 1000 Skyline Blvd., Oakland. 510-336-7300.

15.  Look for your local ACTIVITY GUIDE, if there's a free activity going on in your community, it's usually in there. They post things such as FREE MUSIC IN THE PARK & OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHTS.

16. And lastly remember to set some time aside for yourself. Here's an idea: Free Cooking Class at Williams-Sonoma! The store offers FREE cooking classes. Sign up early because classes fill up. Call your nearest Bay Area location for details and schedule.

SUMMER UPDATE 2012:  Here's some promotions going on just for the summer. 

Free bowling for kids here: to see if there's one in your area. And if you want a  Buy 1 Get 1 FREE coupon for bowling click here.  All you have to do is pay for a bowling game & you’ll get a coupon for a FREE game.  Just sign up for AMF Bowling’s e-club & you’ll be sent periodic coupons & discounts throughout the year.

REI’s Passport to Adventure Program  An incentive program for kids ages 5-12 to encourage them to get out with their families on bike rides, hikes, nature walks & more.  They can earn a free prize by documenting their activities for the summer. You can also find out some great information about local hikes, walks, bike trails & more on their website.  Find out more HERE.

Free Kids Book from Barnes & Noble: elementary age kids get a Free Book (from their book list) when they read 8 (no purchase needed). Just fill out the form listing the books and take it to the store.
EVEN BETTER: your local library probably has a summer reading program that's even better (at ours they have a program for infants/toddlers and teens can earn up to 3 books or $30 towards book purchases!!) AND they have great FREE special events going all all summer long! Solano kids 12 & under programs: Dream Big Read Solano teens program: Own the Night

Try a U-Pick Farm! It's not free (but it's cheaper), such a fun activity for kids to be involved in picking raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches & more ; is a great resource to find U-pick farms; prices should be lower when you pick them yourselves, too. (some farms are year round too!)

Don't forget about the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk go here to their coupons & discounts page for their goodies. They also have a bunch of FREE events HERE such as FREE Friday Bands on the beach.
Here's my fav: Weeknight After 5pm Specials: June 18-August 30, 2012
1907 Nights Enjoy old time prices on Mondays and Tuesdays after 5pm. Rides, Pepsi, hot dogs, and cotton candy are just $1.00 each!  
PEPSI Nights Get a great deal on Wednesdays and Thursdays after 5pm. Unlimited ride wristbands are just $10.95 + tax when you bring along a Pepsi can!  Free Movies on the Beach: Every Wednesday, July 11-August 15, 2012
Free Movies on the Beach: Every Wednesday, July 11-August 15, 2012


Summer Movie Express from Regal "Moviegoers of all ages can climb aboard the Summer Movie Express to enjoy a great selection of films. During this 9-week festival, participating Regal Cinemas, United Artists and Edwards Theatres will offer selected G or PG rated movies for only a dollar on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10:00."

Cinemark theaters will be offering Summer Movie Clubhouse. 10 kid-friendly movies (rated G or PG), priced at $1/ ticket. However, if you buy tickets for all 10 movies at once, you only have to pay $5 total – which means 50 cents/movie ticket! 

AMC is not offering a summer program this year (that I found) BUT has this great BRING YOUR BABY program: "Bring the Kids on Your Parental Play Date:
It’s a play date for parents just like you! Catch the blockbusters you want to see on the first Tuesday of every month, shown in a baby-friendly environment. 
Brighter lights 
Lower volume 
Breastfeeding, stroller parking and crying babies are permitted!"

Thanks Thrifty NW Mom & Michael Finney!


Free Crafts Workshops at Michaels: The crafts store offers Free crafts workshops for kids, with a different make it/take it theme each month.
Free Build & Grow Kids Workshops for kids: Lowe’s Free Build & Grow Workshops for kids are offered on some Saturdays. (Check your local store).
Free Kids Workshops at Home DepotFree kids workshop first Saturday of every month from 9am-noon. 
Free Fishing Clinics: Learn to fish for free in 45 -minute beginner clinics offered by the Department of Fish & Game. Available free at Bay Area lakes in Campbell, Fremont, Novato, San Rafael, Vallejo & Milpitas. (May be a parking fee.) Covers basics of fishing including knots, casting, rigging, safety, & ethics. Equipment and tackle provided. Each adult may bring up to 2 children and a driver’s license for rod loan.
Free Movies Online:

Oh AND don't forget to check out this fabulous site: Bay Area on the Cheap!  TONS of FREEBIES , a complete listing of all FREE museum/attraction days, cheap dates, cheap gas finder, 1/2 price on tickets & MORE MORE MORE!! Can't say enough about how great this site is!! Thanks!

PLEASE let me know what your family does for free fun!